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Chapter Six Quiz

1. Question

Which of the following are considered to be goals of the semiannual inspection?

2. Question

Per Animal Welfare Regulations, which of the following teams can perform a semiannual inspection?

3. Question

What are the two components of the semiannual report to the IO?

4. Question

Which of the following areas need to be included in the semiannual facility inspection in order to be compliant with both PHS Policy and AWRs?

5. Question

What is one tool that facilities can use to complete the semiannual program review?

6. Question

Which of the following is an example of a significant deficiency?

7. Question

When deficiencies are identified, what must the IACUC provide in the report to the IO?

8. Question

In what case must the IO make a report to the USDA?

9. Question

Which of the following concerns must be investigated by the IACUC?

10. Question

IACUCs are required by regulation to review, and if warranted, investigate allegations of improper animal use or concerns about such use. What regulations specify how IACUCs should do so?