Special OLAW Webinar: Pandemic Contingency Planning and Its Impact on Animal Care
March 19, 2020 | 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET
Dr. Patricia Brown, Director, NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)
Dr. Brent Morse, Director, Division of Compliance Oversight, OLAW
Are you testing or implementing your institution’s pandemic response plan for the first time? Do you have questions about flexibilities provided by the PHS Policy that may be helpful during a pandemic?
All PHS-assured institutions are required to develop disaster plans that account for both the well-being of animals and consideration of personnel during unexpected events that may compromise ongoing animal care. This includes contingency planning for pandemics such as the current outbreak of COVID-19. Join us for this special webinar to learn about how your institution can prepare for a pandemic that may impact your animal care and use program. We’ll discuss flexibilities provided by the PHS Policy which facilitate social distancing, the importance of cross-training to minimize the number of animal care staff at work, and options your institution may wish to consider that it does not use in the normal operation of its animal care and use program. We will also accept questions on the particular challenges your institution is facing during these uncertain times.
If you’re able, please submit your questions in advance to olawdpe@od.nih.gov.
How to Enroll
A one-time enrollment is required to participate in the program. Enrollees receive registration information prior to each event. Find out how to enroll at https://olaw.nih.gov/education/online-seminars.htm.
About OLAW Webinars
The OLAW Online Seminars program is a free webinar series to help IACUCs and IOs explore their responsibilities in the oversight of PHS-funded research that involves the use of live vertebrate animals.
For recordings of past webinars, visit the Webinars and Podcasts webpage.