LifeSciTRC LogoMSMR is a partner in the APS Life Science Teaching Resource Community (LifeSciTRC), a digital archive of tools for teachers, classrooms and students.

The American Physiological Society and its partners have posted more than 7,000 items, from curricula to K -12 projects to videos to individual images to graduate-level articles. All are peer-reviewed. The Archive is searchable on numerous characteristics and is free to students and teacher. Browse and check it out, here. There are also tools that explain how to get the most out of the archive, how to rate materials, and how to create custom collections and share them with other Community Members.

All of MSMR’s educational materials are archived on the LifeSciTRC website, including the entire What A Year! collection, the MSMR Monographs and HEADS ON! for Healthy Living.

Check out the LifeSciTRC and its many resources here.