The 2016 Annual Meeting of Members will feature our Business Meeting in the morning followed by our Luncheon, Awards and Keynote.

Dr BhatiaThe Special Honoree this year is Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia of MIT

Sangeeta N. Bhatia, MD, Ph., is a biological engineer and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Bhatia’s research investigates applications of micro- and nano-technology for tissue repair and regeneration.

In 2003, she was named to the MIT Technology Review TR100 as one of the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35.  She was also named a “Scientist to Watch” by The Scientist in 2006, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator in 2008.

Dr. Bhatia co-authored the first undergraduate textbook on tissue engineering and was an editor for two books, Microdevices in Biology and Medicine and Biosensing